Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's HOT

I love this area of Oregon because we usually have fairly moderate weather. Sure there's quite a bit of rain for 3/4 of the year but having green scenery around all year is worth it. Unfortunately, we've had some extremes this past year with record snowfall before Christmas and now record highs this week. I do OK in the cold since I can keep warm inside. The heat, though, just wears me out and saps all motivation to sew. I got some appliques cut out and assembled but will wait to sew until it cools off a bit this evening (I hope). I did get some photos as I went along on one of the appliques so I could write an update on a tutorial I did more than a year ago.


  1. Ya...the heat does wear you down. The humidity gets me! Hope you find some pep and viger in the cooler evening hours!!!

  2. Not much cooling this evening. It's still almost 90 at 10pm! Nights like this are when I really miss the small pool we had last summer. It was just one of the little 'pop up' style pools with an inflatable ring at the top. Unfortunately, some small animal must have tried to get a drink from it because the ring wouldn't hold any air by the end of the summer.

  3. Waiting...(tapping foot...) I NEED more tutorials! How else can I learn to be half as good as you??!!

